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Farm to Fork 2020 conference: Building sustainable food systems together (Digital event)

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

By 2050, feeding a global population of almost 10 billion will require a radical transformation in how food is produced, processed, traded and consumed. Feeding this expanded population nutritiously and sustainably will require substantial improvements to global, regional and local food systems so that they can provide decent employment and livelihoods for producers and every actor along the food chain, offer affordable safe and nutritious products for consumers, and do so without damaging our natural resources.

FAO supports governments in building inclusive, efficient and sustainable food systems through leadership-driven action and collaboration, informed by evidence and innovation and in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. FAO works closely with governments and key actors such as the private sector, civil society organizations, municipalities, regional economic community organizations and platforms integrating sustainability in its three dimensions (social, economic and environmental) across global, regional and local food systems. This is because FAO believes that only by mainstreaming food system development and turning holistic diagnostic approaches into actions, policies and investments will the challenges facing food systems be addressed.

Learn more about the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on food systems:

UN Food Systems Summit 2021

The UN Food Systems Summit seeks to raise global awareness and land global commitments and actions that transform food systems to resolve not only hunger, but to reduce diet-related disease and heal the planet. The Summit will engage civil society, farmers, indigenous peoples, governments, the private sector, research institutions, think tanks, and implementing agencies in a variety of consultations ahead of the event itself in 2021.

Closed since 9 October 2020
Organised by
Belgium 411
Germany 60
Italy 60
Netherlands 58
Spain 57
France 55
Greece 38
Portugal 32
Ireland 27
United Kingdom 19
Austria 18
Sweden 18
Denmark 17
Norway 17
Slovakia 16
Romania 15
Estonia 13
Switzerland 12
Luxembourg 11
Poland 11
Czech Republic 11
Slovenia 10
Finland 8
Lithuania 7
Hungary 7
Bulgaria 6
Latvia 5
Malta 4
Israel 3
United States 2
Brazil 2
Croatia 2
Argentina 2
Türkiye 2
Cyprus 2
Benin 1
Canada 1
Malaysia 1
Colombia 1
Andorra 1
Belize 1
Ukraine 1
Costa Rica 1
Kenya 1
Serbia 1
South Korea 1
Total 1049
Trade and Business Organisation 213
National government (EU) 176
Other non-governmental organisation 111
Academia and research, Think tank 106
Private company (other than food business operators) 63
EU institution 54
Food manufacturer/processor 50
International Organisation 44
Non-EU governmental authority 39
Regional government (EU) 38
Primary food producer 34
Environmental organisation 30
Wholesaler/retailer 18
Local authority (EU) 16
Citizen 13
Other 11
Food banks and other charity organisations 11
Consumer Organisation 10
Investor/financial institution 5
Nutrition and/or health care practitioner 4
Hospitality/Food services 3
Total 1049